The division has a very active and successful research section. Both basic and patient-oriented research are emphasized. Multiple section faculty members have NIH support. The division has strong collaborations with the world-recognized adult nephrology division.
Labs & centers

Pediatric Center of Excellence in Nephrology
Transforming the field of pediatric research, attracting new expertise and strategies to keep kidneys healthy in children.
Faculty from the division are part of consortiums and multi-center studies including:
- North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS)
- Standardizing Care to Improve Outcomes in Pediatric Endstage Kidney Disease (SCOPE)
- Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium (PNRC)
- Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD)
- Genomics of IgA-related disorders in kids Study (GIGA-Kids)
- Improving Renal Outcomes Collabortive (IROC)
Recent grant funding in the division includes:
- Pediatric Outcomes of KidneyCare in Renal Allografts (pOKRA)
- Prospective Early Multi-Modality Longitudinal Surveillance in pediatric kidney transplant care : PREEMPT Study
- NIH RO1 support for studies of the CKD-MBD and vascular calcification
- NIH R01 support for randomized controlled trials to improve teenage adherence after kidney transplant
- NIH U01 support for prospective multi-center studies to improve post-transplant graft and patient survival and reduce morbidities
- Clinical trials in the cardiovascular outcomes of CKD
- Clinical and translational trials of phosphate binders and vitamin D analogs
- Clinical trials of IgA nephropathy, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
- Long-term outcome and function of pediatric renal transplant recipients
- Studies on the function of certain genes in kidney development and their role in congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT)