The division supervises special procedures for the evaluation and therapy of chronic kidney diseases. Approximately 40 percutaneous kidney biopsies are performed annually by members of the division for the diagnosis and staging of kidney diseases. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and pulse-wave analysis is used to assist in the diagnosis and management of hypertension. The division also provides all pediatric apheresis services for St. Louis Children’s Hospital, including plasmapheresis, red blood cell exchange, leukapheresis, and extracorporeal photopheresis.

In addition to these services, the division actively supports and participates in long-term follow-up of patients in the cardiothoracic surgery, general surgery, urology, bone marrow transplant and several solid organ transplant programs. We have multidisciplinary clinics with other specialists, including a combined nephrology/urology clinic, Fontan clinic and the newly formed Aortic & Renovascular Center for Hypertension (ARCH) program.