Clinical care training

We are the primary service for our nephrology patients with 30+ chronic dialysis patients and approximately 15-18 kidney transplants per year.

We perform our own procedures

  • 50 kidney biopsies/yr
  • CRRT 700+ days/yr
  • Aquapheresis for infants
  • Apheresis ~400 sessions per year
  • 70+ ambulatory BP monitorings/year
  • Pulseware analysis and velocity

Allied rotations

  • Renal pathology
  • Urology
  • Radiology

Multi-disciplinary clinics

  • Urology/nephrology
  • Rheumatology/nephrology
  • Aortic and renovascular
  • Hypertension
  • Fontan clinic
  • Adult/pediatric nephrology transition clinic

Environment & education

Our division is composed of nine pediatric nephrologists with complementary interests.

Local and national nephrology advocacy opportunities

QI and research collaboratives participation (NAPRTCS, IROC, SCOPE, CureGN CKiD)

Dual medicine-pediatrics fellowship available

Contiguous facility with adult Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Well developed educational curriculum allows fellows to teach in equal rotation
with faculty.

Research experience

Interdisciplinary basic, translational, or clinical research opportunities in chronic kidney disease, vascular biology, single cell sequencing, matrix biology and transplantation across entire campus.

Faculty members, hold multiple extramural research grants from NIH and foundations

18-30 publications/year by our division

Funds to attend teaching conferences

Departmental T32 funding or MSCI degree available.


All our recent fellows have presented an accepted first author abstract at a national meeting in their 3rd year

5/9 faculty members were listed in Best Doctors In America

Faculty are involved in national society committees and projects

7 prior trainees rose to division chief positions